Pure Fiction Television, the independent production company helmed by Tom Winchester (producer of “Shogun”), has optioned Spanish author's Dolores Redondo’s Baztán Trilogy and the prequel standalone, La cara norte del corazón (The North Face of the Heart), and is developing them into a returning, premium international TV series. Screenwriter and playwright Lydia Adetunji is attached to the project, whose credits include “His Dark Materials,” “Noughts & Crosses” and “The Last Kingdom.”
Tom Winchester has secured the rights to all four novels having previously optioned THE NORTH FACE OF THE HEART whilst president of Heyday Television. German producer Peter Nadermann previously owned the film rights to the Baztán trilogy of novels (The Invisible Guardian, The Legacy of the Bones, Offering to the Storm) and will act as an executive producer on the series. The adaptation will be in Spanish and English. Winchester intends to bring an authentic European feel to the series, which will have a truly global appeal and be housed within his burgeoning slate of “Prestige Commercial” content: elevated, bold drama, which is ambitious in style and scale, yet unashamedly entertaining and with a commercial sensibility.
Read the full report on Variety: https://variety.com/2024/tv/global/tom-winchester-pure-fiction-television-dolores-redondo-baztan-1235961679/
For more information about the above title, please contact Anna Soler-Pont (anna@pontas-agency.com).
** Pictured in the header: Dolores Redondo (© Xavier Torres-Bacchetta), Tom Winchester (© Eddie Judd).
La entrada Dolores Redondo’s "The North Face of the Heart" will become a premium international TV series se publicó primero en Pontas Agency.